May 8, 2013

Top quality from Suunto

Suunto Ambit2 Sapphire - The GPS for explorers and athletes!

Suunto Ambit2 is the GPS for explorers and athletes. All you need for outdoor sports - navigation, speed, heart rate, altitude, weather conditions and features for running, biking and swimming. Thousands of Suunto Apps available to add new functionalities to your watch. Packed in a glass fiber reinforced casing with a battery life of 16/50 hours, Ambit2 is ready for any adventure.

I thought that my Ambit HR was the best you could get - I actually still think that, but wiht the new Ambit2 model from suunto I really have to rethink that. It is so cool and I can´t wait for a update from my friends at - these guys are experts :)
check out the new Ambit2 and all other models from Suunto on