Jun 28, 2011

Kilimanjaro calling

In two weeks’ time I will go back to Tanzania for guiding on the beautiful mountain Kilimanjaro. I've been on top many times and this summer there will be several more ascents to the collection. :)

I will again guide for Topas Travel (a DK based company) www.topas.dk
 This summer I have two groups in which one also include safaris in eg the stunning Ngorongoro Crater.

Kili - 5895m photo by Jakob Urth
The second group is somewhat of a VIP group. Only 6 pax and I have been joined by Denmark's most important health and training specialist. Chris Macdonald - http://www.chrismacdonald.dk/
I do not care who's along for the ride .... I want to give everyone a fantastic experience to the top of Africa. Chris and I will later this year go for a  climb on Aconcagua and then I(we) will guide a big group up the "seven Summit" mountain later on.