May 27, 2013

Danes on Everest 2.0

Close but no cigar.
The Danish NO 02 climber Bo B. tried to reach the summit of Everest some days ago. With a bit of trouble, he reached C2 and was now ready for the summit ascent. Exhaustion, wind and help to Sherpas who were coming down from the summit - did the outcome - No more power left.
Good preparation, wise choices, experience and good acclimatization is just not always enough to climb a mountain over 8000 meters. You also need luck! Next time Bo .... Next time.

Three other Danes actually summit this seson - All with heavy use of artificial oxygen (02) Sherpas and......Because of the use of artificial oxygen - one might not approve these ascents as true. The use of oxygen makes the mountain smaller and therefore it is just another fake climb.
Back in camp after the summit. Photo by Bo B.