Aug 23, 2011

Resolute Bay crash - Arctic skiers Base Camp

 A chartered First Air 737 passenger jet crashed Saturday near Resolute Bay, killing 12 people and injuring three. The flight was not connected to military activities in the area and seems to have carried staff and workers related to South Camp Inn.

The Danish media( ) described the crash and aircraft like this : "Passenger aircraft Boeing 737 had a total of 15 people on board including four crew members when it crashed in the Arctic territory of Nunavut, which lies west of Greenland"
Image by Vincent Desrosiers/CBC ,

GlobeAndMail news reported that Aziz (Ozzie) Kheraj had two granddaughters, 6 and 7 years old sisters Cheyenne and Gabrielle Eckalook onboard. Gabrielle survived.
Ozzie and his Resolute Bay South Camp Inn are known to most Arctic skiers as the final Base Camp before they are flown to the Canadian edge of the ice. This is where they sort through their sleds and enjoy their last comforts such as warm beds and prepared meals before their months-long expeditions.

The plane reportedly crashed into a hill near Resolute and was shattered. Cause of the crash is under investigation. Released names of victims include Arctic researcher Marty Bergmann and South Camp Inn cook Randy Reid. The three survivors include a 48-year-old man, a 23-year-old woman and the seven-year-old girl.